如果有一种新的语言能够被计算机和人类共同接受,这样我们就可以摆脱键盘额输入, 直接和计算机进行高效率的互动。
Human being needs a brand new language to break the wall between human and computer.
The current human languages were develoed before computer was invention, and were very low efficient for computer to understand. If we can't change computer too much, why not change yourself to talk a second computer language.
Most of us are learning second language, maybe the third language should be human-computer language.
I am not mean to invent a brand new language. I think the new language (say Complish) will based on English with some essential modification or improvement.
Here is some example:
1, Fifteen vs Fifty
This two words always confuse me, so I believe it will also confuse computer. I will suggest we use one five instead of fifteen and five zero instead of fifty.
2, th vs s
I am confuse with them as well, so it is better to merge them to one, or even delete one of them.
3, h (silent)
Do we really need the silent letter h? My suggestion is delete it.
I think those change will benefit both human and computer.
If you have more ideal, please don't hesitate to share.
Some user report Google Glass sometime confuse with voice commands. It is a good example to have a new language for vocal communication between computer and human.