Thursday, 18 October 2018

West Digital WD40EFR 4TB Performance Issue


Device t10.ATA_____WDC_WD40EFRX2D68N32N0_________________________WD2DWCC7K7VYN641 performance has deteriorated. I/O
latency increased from average value of 12893 microseconds to 398691 microseconds.
18/10/2018 07:20:54

Not sure what is causing the issue, it might be the HDD or FreeNas 11.

Lenovo TS104  + ESXi 5.5
FreeNAS 11 on ESXi

update on 21/Oct/2018:
It might be caused by the use model combined with FreeNas and HDD. I was created 6 ESXi 500GB HDD files which made a 3TB striped volume in FreeNAS. It is likely FreeNAS considers that all 6 HDDs are independent and wait for the responses of the "sync write access" from all the 6 HDDs. Since the 6 HDDs are actually from a single physical HDD, so it is possible causes too much load for a single HDD and results HDD hung.

I am now testing a single ESXi 3TB HDD file to make the volume in FreeNAS, it has been running for a few days and so far looks good.

Thursday, 18 January 2018

Churchill Home Insurance is a Joke

The roof of house was damaged by the storm at night of 2/January. Churchill Home Insurance declined my claim. Churchill Home Insurance said it is because is not properly maintenanced and there's no storm reported despite storm news reported on various news.

Saturday, 13 January 2018

Moto(Lenovo) X style reports no sim card

My Moto(Lenovo) X Style is two years old, and keeps saying no sim card. I can reboot to make it working, but I can't keep checking the phone and reboot it every hour.

It is so annoying. It is possible my last Moto phone. I owned lots Moto phones in the past including Moto G2, Moto E, 2 x Moto X Style etc.