Device t10.ATA_____WDC_WD40EFRX2D68N32N0_________________________WD2DWCC7K7VYN641 performance has deteriorated. I/O
latency increased from average value of 12893 microseconds to 398691 microseconds.
18/10/2018 07:20:54
Not sure what is causing the issue, it might be the HDD or FreeNas 11.
Lenovo TS104 + ESXi 5.5
FreeNAS 11 on ESXi
update on 21/Oct/2018:
It might be caused by the use model combined with FreeNas and HDD. I was created 6 ESXi 500GB HDD files which made a 3TB striped volume in FreeNAS. It is likely FreeNAS considers that all 6 HDDs are independent and wait for the responses of the "sync write access" from all the 6 HDDs. Since the 6 HDDs are actually from a single physical HDD, so it is possible causes too much load for a single HDD and results HDD hung.
I am now testing a single ESXi 3TB HDD file to make the volume in FreeNAS, it has been running for a few days and so far looks good.
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